August 17, 2011

Turbowolf Single

Turbowolf originate from Bristol. The song “Ghost Hunt” was the record of the day back in December 2008 The first track of the single we is “Read and Write”. This is a flash of head banging alternate…

Daryl Stuermer – ‘Go’

Daryl has released a new album titled GO, this album contains 10 tracks which are as follows Striker, Masala Mantra, Greenlight, Dream In Blue, Breaking Point, Urbanista, Heavy Heart, Meltdown, The Archer, Omnibus Daryl’s own…

Steve Hackett – ‘Wild Orchids’

Transylvanian Express; This opus opens the album, yet bizarrely you would think that your listening to the soundtrack of a Horror film along the lines of something Alfred Hitchcock would have released, The sound effects library has been raided…