On the 15th Anniversary of the critically acclaimed OK Computer, and the final show of the North American Leg of Radiohead’s tour, Radiohead have had to cancel the show in Toronto tonight due to a stage collapse. The collapse according to witnesses and the police occurred at 4pm local time. Sound checks were due to take place. Radiohead themselves were not on stage at the time.
Devastatingly, reports suggest that one person has died; it is not confirmed whether it was someone within the crew, but it is presumed so; and three others are being treated for injuries. One of the three has been taken to hospital for treatment and monitoring of ‘serious injuries…’
An official statement was released on the band’s facebook page. It says:
Due to unforeseen circumstances the radiohead show at downsview park tonight has been cancelled.Fans are advised not to make their way to the venue. Refunds will be made at point of purchase.Further information is to follow.”

Photo via Roeland Roovers / Mobypicture
Pictures before the incident suggest the bands equipment was on stage and most of the lighting rig for the show. So, in lesser news and related news, Radiohead may have to cancel half a tour and reschedule. Not that that matters much considering someone has lost their life, though.
Condolences and our thoughts go out to the families, the crew and the band.
Sources: http://thekingoflimbspart2.com/2012/06/16/radiohead-live-toronto-tonight/
It appears that one person may still be trapped under the collapsed stage. This may be speculation, but twitter link: https://twitter.com/CP24/status/214093507139350530
(Update – 17th June)
The man killed has been named. Scott Johnson, aged 33, was a drum technician working on the show. Atease point out this video of Scott from 2009 – http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Z_AOv9JHCZA
None of the band were injured officials have stated. They announced that all those injured were involved in setting up the stage.
Our thoughts go out to Scott’s family.