I was invited initially to see one of the premier Genesis tribute bands Genesis In The Cage (GITC) who were gigging at the infamous Chiddingfold Workingmen’s Club.
I set off from Coventry and after 3 hours I was rolling into the car park behind the working men’s club, I popped my head around the door to find Steve Puddick the local promoter and the band members of GITC and there crew. I was invited in and I then saw Dale’s road crew, and also Dale.
From this moment on I knew I was in the right place. I was lucky enough to sit in on the sound check which went well, Dale remembered me from previous gigs and the occasional interviews I had conducted at the Farm. We had a brief chat as he seemed busy and preoccupied so I didn’t encroach on his time too much.

Dale during soundcheck
GITC had a sound check and all seemed well, my girlfriend and I left them to it and we headed further into Chiddingfold to the Crown Inn for a nice evening meal.
Time soon flew and we headed back to the hall which had begun to fill up.
Dale came on in his stage attire, He seemed more comfortable and at ease than when I saw him last at the Manor Farm tea rooms in November 2005.
He was applauded by an enthusiastic crowd. Dale was on stage with just his acoustic guitar and his voice these were the only instruments on the stage, although he sometimes plays to a backing track this doesn’t distract the audience from the performing artist but it serves to fill out the sound when it is needed, I must state here and now Dale always sings and plays Guitar LIVE.
Dale opened the set with the Paul Simon classic Graceland, this slick performance eased the crowd into the mood for more.
Next up was Nothing Last’s Forever from the 2003 Album Cubed, this went down well as did the following acoustic performance of the protest song It’s Not for Me also from the 2003 album Cubed. Then Dale started to play new songs from his latest collection of songs yet to be released in an album format and these went down well also, they were as follows….
Waiting For You
The Hardest Part
Fateful Day
Before You Come
Things That Never
No Conversation

Dale's Setlist for the night
Dale performing to a capacity crowd (Photo Credit, Mark Kenyon – Editor)
Dale and the audience were enjoying themselves, and considering it was early December it was getting quite warm inside the hall.
For those who were not there you really did miss out, this guy has the talent and the energy to entertain the crowd.
Many thanks to local promoter Steve Puddick of White Mountain Productions
For more information about Dale Newman please visit dalenewman.net