Music Magazine Questionnaire

As part of my research for my media project I am trying to find out more about what magazines people read, specifically which Music Magazines. Don’t forget to check and make sure that all the appropriate fields are answered (excluding one or two of the check box ones). Thanks for reading – Mike

Don’t worry it is completely anonymous and we do not require your email, it just might be helpful. Also sign up to our site, like it on facebook and all that social media palaver.

    Email Address: (Don't worry, this isn't required, more suggested)

    1. Age: 10-1415-1718-2122-3030-3940-4950-5960-6970+

    2. Gender: MaleFemale

    3. What genre(s) of music do you listen to?

    JazzSymphonicBluesRockHeavy MetalPopDanceDubstepHip HopRhythm and BassDiscoMotownElectronicPunkNoveltyRap/Grime/MCOther(List in the box)

    4. If you play an instrument, what instrument do you play?

    SingingGuitarBass GuitarPiano/KeboardDrumsCelloViolaViolinPercussionXylophoneBagpipesFluteOboeTrumpetCor AnglaisNoneOther (Please state in the box)

    5.How frequently do you read music magazines? (If you do not read any music magazine skip to question 9)

    NeverOnce a YearOnce a MonthEvery WeekTwice a WeekEvery Day

    6. What music magazines have you bought and read?

    QNMEKerrang!BBC MusicBlenderClashClassic FMRock SoundRolling StoneRWDSonglinesTouchRhythmTop of the PopsMojoUncutMetal HammerOther

    7. What is the most important selling point about a magazine to you?

    FreebiesWho is on the Front CoverA Particular Band FeaturedBrand Loyalty

    8. What elements of a music magazine interest you most?

    9a. How much do you agree that magazines are ‘age biased’?

    I Agree ...

    9b. How much do you think Music Magazines are AGED bias?

    10a. How much do you think that magazines are ‘gender biased’?

    10b. How much do you think Music Magazines are GENDER bias?

    11. How would you rate the journalism in music magazines?

    12. Should music magazines be niche audiences or broad?

    They should be Genre/Instrument SpecificAge SpecificBroadA bit of bothOnly Broad so everyone can be interested in it

    13. Are magazines, in general, less relevant and a dying breed?

    AbsolutelyTo an extentNot at all

    14. Do you know what a QR Code is?

    YesNoNot Sure

    15. What kind of mobile phone do you own?

    NoneOne older than 2008iPhoneAndroid PhoneOther Smartphone

    16. Could magazines be improved with multimedia and technology integration? (For example by using websites, applications or other ways to coincide with the magazine)

    YesNoTo an extent... let me explain

    Anything else you want to tell me about magazines or this questionnaire?

    (Make sure you’ve checked and filled in all appropriate forms.

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