Shepherds Bush Empire, London Saturday November 14th 2009
Well the train on the road tour finally pulled into Shepherds Bush Empire, I arrived to the gig on the tube having had a bumpy and noisy ride all the way from Epping.
I got my bearings to find that the tube station is on the other side of the Shepherds Bush green and the venue is on the far side.
Finally the webmaster (Michael) and I joined the queue only to find we were in the wrong queue, so we had to join another and we then entered the venue and climbed some stairs to the first floor balcony area. All the best seats had been reserved and when I bought my ticket if I had known I could have done that I would have reserved a decent seat too.
The webmaster and I took our places and we looked down into the stalls to see if they were anyone I would recognise, well of course I saw Ben Fenner behind the mixing desk for the sound and Tigger Matthews being the lighting desk. I decided to wait until the end of the gig to go and say hello to them.
Steve’s guitar tech came onto the stage to test something out whilst wearing Steve’s guitar and then about 5 minutes passed and the lights dimmed.
The intro began which contained elements of “Last Train To Istanbul” and train noises which sounded very scary at the time and made for a great intro to the show what followed was a surprise with the stage favourite Mechanical Bride complete with strobing effects.
In one of my photos Nick Beggs looks like he is in two places at once because of my camera’s confusion during the strobing that only occurs during Mechanical Bride.

Nick Beggs - Almost two of him
Now was the chance for one of the newer numbers “Fire on the Moon” made an appearance and it was quite faithfully reproduced live.
Steve and the band played a rather blistering version of “Everyday” which sent the Anti drugs message home to anyone in the venue.
The next two songs were from the new album as well “Emerald and Ash” “Ghost in the Glass” these along with Everyday would see Amanda Lehmann appear for the first time during the gig.
Having had a trio of new songs in the set by this stage, Steve addressed the balance by playing a real vintage stage classic in the form of “Ace Of Wands” it was in this number that Nick’s bass playing along with Gary O’tooles drumming would finally bring a rhythm section onto the stage and liven up this piece, Rob Townsend did a fantastic job of replicating John Hackett’s flute part in many places.

Steve enters the Limelight!!! (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
Pollution B that followed seemed to be more haunting in this show than any of the shows I had seen in 2003. The Steppes was another mood changing piece that fitted in with the set quite well at this point.
The rest of the set was quite pleasant although different with additional guitar from Amanda Lehmann and Chapman Stick from Nick Beggs, when John Hackett came on to play Jacuzzi there was a large applause for him sadly he left the stage after this song and he didn’t return. But there wasa nice acoustic set from Steve to compliment it!
Gary O’toole’s Drum solo and Foot Stomp Solo during Clocks was also a new and interesting piece, Gary comedic style of throwing away his sticks whilst both of his feet continued a crazy and fast rhythm on the bass drum was a treat and he looked tired afterwards!

The whole band take a well deserved BOW !!! (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
Set List
- Intro/Mechanical Bride
- Fire On The Moon
- Every Day
- Emerald and Ash
- Ghost In The Glass
- Ace Of Wands
- Pollution B
- The Steppes
- Slogans
- Serpentine Song
- Tubehead
- Spectral Mornings
- Firth Of Fifth
- Jacuzzi “Features John Hackett on Flute”
- Acoustic set
- Blood On The Rooftops
- Fly On The Windshield/Broadway Melody of 1974
- Sleepers
- Still Waters
- Los Endos
- Clocks
Personnel: Steve Hackett, Roger King, Gary O’Toole, Nick Beggs, Rob Townsend.
Guests: Amanda Lehmann and John Hackett

Steve, Nick and Amanda on stage (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
Robin 2, Bilston Wednesday November 18th 2009
We arrive at the venue early this is due to a prearranged interview, Steve wasn’t at the venue yet, but we were invited by the tour manager to watch the sound check which was very nice of him we didnt get in anybodys way but the main event was when the band came out to sound check.
About an hour later the crew having gone through as many runs of toms please etc the band arrive and then they all get into there positions to start their part of the sound check.
Steve emerges onto the stage and Everyday (in various music genre styles) and Mechanical Bride (rock version then a jazzy classical piano version) are rehearsed, the band let off steam and someone on the stage suggests “At The Hop” by Danny and the Juniors it never gets under way fully but Steve does decide to run through the theme tune of the 1960’s series of Batman on Electric Guitar.
Steve then trades his Electric Guitar for an Acoustic guitar and he plays a few well known numbers including bits of “Blood On The Rooftops”.
That over Steve and the band seem pleased with the sound check, and Michael and I leave to get something to eat whilst the band and crew eat at the venue.
A nice Indian Buffet around the corner from the venue does the trick and full of Indian Cuisine we leave to return to the venue we join the early queue of fans Brian the tour manager then appears and takes Michael (Webmaster) and I through to the back stage area and after a brief chat the interview with Steve begins and we are joined shortly afterwards by Nick Beggs.

A close up of Nick Beggs!!! (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
Half an hour flies by, and we leave Steve to get into character and Michael and I return into the main hall.
I spot a few familiar faces but I am too far away from them to say Hi so I wait until the end of show to greet them, the lights dim and the intro music begins and then the band walk onto the stage to a big round of applause

A close up of Steve Hackett! (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
Set List
- Intro/Mechanical Bride
- Fire On The Moon
- Every Day
- Emerald and Ash
- Ghost In The Glass
- Ace Of Wands
- Pollution B
- The Steppes
- Slogans
- Serpentine Song
- Tubehead
- Spectral Mornings
- Firth Of Fifth
- Walking away from Rainbows
- Acoustic set
- Blood On The Rooftops
- Fly On The Windshield/Broadway Melody of 1974
- Sleepers
- Still Waters
- Los Endos
- Clocks
Personnel Steve Hackett, Roger King, Gary O’Toole, Nick Beggs, Rob Townsend.
Guests: Amanda Lehmann
Amanda Lehmann was most helpful backing the band with her vocals during the more newer songs of the set and she added a nice feature to some of the more classic pieces of the set as well.
Ace of wands defiantly rocked the place too, Nick Beggs seems to add more to it quite how I am not sure but he certain does so.
Nick Beggs Chapman Stick solo really should have been witnessed by a larger crowd than the 500 souls at the Robin 2 but the audience were quite into it, I personally think Nick should christen it “Beggs Boogie” but whether or not that happens only time will tell.
Bloody hell! Tubehead was very loud at this gig and Gary’s foot stomp solo in the middle of the drum solo during Clocks certainly lasted for a while longer that the foot stomp solo at Shepherds Bush how does he do it?

A close up of Rob Townsend!!! (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
The audience were more into this gig too, they practically sang most of the earlier numbers and some of the Genesis numbers too, it got more than cosy too with the heat at the gig.
I must say thank you to Alan Perry for his help and generosity in getting me to the front of the stage so that I could take some reasonable photos Alan is a true gent.
It was also a pleasure to be in the company of Sue “Chocolate Surprise” as well as Steve Hammond, and The Mellotrons (Powell) Family who were fully enjoying themselves Kevin is the consummate Air Guitarist!
I also bumped into Ian Macpherson and his Guitarist son James, as well as Brian Coles (tour manager) who asked me what I thought of the show I told him I had really enjoyed it but Tubehead was very loud!!! and Nick Beggs who had about three minutes to spare in between fans to have another brief chat.
The night was over and I left for the hour’s journey back to Coventry, Because I found the Robin 2 easy to find and enjoyable I think I shall return to the venue again in the future.
The Assembly, Leamington Spa, 1st December 2009
I had bought my ticket for this show months ago, but I dread going to Leamington Spa as I always seem to get lost getting there and leaving there.
I arrived at the venue after a few U turns and more looking at my map, I parked the car in a good car park and avoided sticking it in the Wine Warehouse car park when I realised they have gates which they probably lock up at closing time thus possibly rendering my car trapped so kudos to me for thinking ahead and parking it somewhere else.
I came out of the car park and then to find I’m lost so I had to ring my better half for directions! (I was always within two minutes walking distance from the venue).
I finally arrive at the venue and I am invited into the sound check whilst I wait for an ideal moment to interview Steve as part of a long interview for this website.
To my surprise John Hackett “Steve’s brother” arrives and he also joins the sound check, this over the replacement lighting guy for Tigger (called Steve) is busy making adjustments to his lighting cues with a rather stubborn lighting desk. Ben Fenner seems to be making some last minute adjustments to the sound and then I am ushered backstage.
All of Steve’s immense band seems to be quite relaxed and they’re laughing and joking with each other. The backstage area is a unique mix one moment there is a Vickers gun and the next there is a huge Caravan which is a Pink gypsy caravan and was formally owned by Tammy Wynette this is where Steve and I conducted another interview and it was quite surreal in there what with Mirrors and Chrome along with high quality drawers and carpets.
I actually over ran with the interview and I had enough time to say hello to John Hackett, and to catch up with Roger King and to arrange an interview in the future with drummer and percussionist extraordinaire Gary O’toole.
I made my way to the now packed auditorium and I found it difficult to get a good vantage point to take Photos, plus legendry photographer Alan Perry seemed to have got the best spot again!
I did catch sight of Alan Hewitt of the Genesis and solo fanzine The Waiting Room in the audience and he seemed to be having a great time too!

A Close up of Steve at Leamington Spa (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
The show began and like other shows on the tour it went quite well with the usual strobing lights of Mechanical Bride followed by new song Fire On The Moon and then stage classic Every Day which the audience joined in with.
Next up were two new songs from the new album “Out Of The Tunnel’s Mouth” Emerald and Ash and Ghost in the Glass both of which saw the talents of Amanda Lehmann shine through quite brightly.
Steve then took all the audience right back to his solo beginnings with “Ace of Wands” which was recorded back in 1975! This went down quite well with the audience as well!
Pollution B followed which merges nicely with “The Steppes” from the 1980 Album “Defector” this gave Rob Townsend a chance to shine in the wind department and blow or shine he did quite appropriately.
Slogans still had the edge to it and here it had more energy than previous tours.
Serpentine song, Steve admits its mainly about Hyde Park , it probably is the best tourism advert for it really but one day I shall have to go and have a look to see if I can see the things that Steve sings about but I think the persective that Steve sings about is over four seasons.
Tubehead maybe its my ears but this was loud again mind you it gives the band a chance to work out on stage and to stretch those muscles especially Nick Beggs and Gary O’toole!
Another classic in the form of “Spectral Mornings” came to life and I cannot imagine Steve not playing this at a Rock gig!
Firth of Fifth brought out Gary O’toole on the vocals which he seems to effortlessly do whilst drumming as well! Steve’s guitar with that guitar sound really puts the chills on the spine during this one!
Jacuzzi brought out the magnificent John Hackett on the Flute who was greeted by a large round of applause the song was performed so delicately and it marked the beginning of an acoustic set by Steve.
Another chance for the vocals of Gary O’toole to come to life was during “Blood On The Rooftops” which he managed perfectly again whilst drumming, again it was nice to see Steve on acoustic guitar as well.
Straight after that followed “Fly On A Windshield” which was quite powerful too and unlike the version performed on the 2004 tour Gary actually sings the lines from this one.
Another new song from the new album this time in the form of “Sleepers” this again went down quite well with the audience.
Still Waters which is most certainly modern day Blues and far better than the lieks of Gary Moore, this seemed to have an energy that I had experienced at any other show and it certainly rocked. If I recall Amanda and Nick Beggs had a whale of a time on stage as well in fact at one stage then got quite into the show!!!
It was good to catch sight of Stephanie Kennedy (Narnia Lady) during the show as well she seemed to enjoy the show as well as take some decent photos from where I was standing!
Los Endos a version which makes the original sound a bit sage, this seemed to go down so well with the audience I think they were all stunned when it ended, cries for more and feet stomping and clapping that went on for more than five minutes this meant that the audience were going to be treated to Clocks.
Although Gary did do a long drum solo during Clocks the audience were quite into it, alas Gary did not repeat the Foot Stomp solo during the drum solo.
The show almost over, Steve had a long list of thank you’s for the band and the whole crew, then Steve invited John Hackett (his brother) and Steve and John’s Mum onto the stage for quite a few bows.

Steve and the band along with Steve's mum and Brother John take a BOW!!! (Photo credit - Mark Kenyon)
Set List
- Intro/Mechanical Bride
- Fire On The Moon
- Every Day
- Emerald and Ash
- Ghost In The Glass
- Ace Of Wands
- Pollution B
- The Steppes
- Slogans
- Serpentine Song
- Tubehead
- Spectral Mornings
- Firth Of Fifth
- Jacuzzi “Features John Hackett on Flute”
- Acoustic set
- Blood On The Rooftops
- Fly On The Windshield/Broadway Melody of 1974
- Sleepers
- Still Waters
- Los Endos
- Clocks (No Foot Stomp Solo)
Personnel: Steve Hackett, Roger King, Gary O’Toole, Nick Beggs, Rob Townsend.
Guests: Amanda Lehmann and John Hackett
Sadly the night and the tour had to end and it was the end to a rather exciting tour.
Steve did come out to greet the fans at the end of the show, which was quite considerate of him considering there was a bit of a party backstage waiting for him.
I would like to say I personally believe that it is the happiest I have seen Steve Hackett for a long time, what with the fun and banter during sound checks and back stage that was most of the time brought onto the stage as well for the audience to see and be a part of.
I would personally like to thank Brian Coles for being a very reasonable tour manager and for giving me opportunities that most tour managers wouldn’t even entertain!
I’ll see you on the next tour!
Steve Hackett for being a real gentleman in an age were there is usually a barrier between artist and fan Steve seems to have perfected the art of shortening it!
Nick Beggs, a really interesting fellow whom I now have a lot more respect for!
Roger King I promise I will interview you soon honest!
Gary O’toole I promise I will interview you soon and also to request some tuition on the drums!
Amanda Lehmann for bringing some feminine presence and backing vocals along with a huge dose of FUN to the stage.
Rob Townsend for all things Windy or is that Blown.
John Hackett for his immense Flute playing on the two Jacuzzi’s I saw!
Roll on to 2010 and the hope that we will all see more of Steve and this Rock Band !
For more information about Steve Hackett please visit HACKETTSONGS.COM
For more information and a chance to see what Photos Alan Perry took during the Steve gigs you should visit his official site concert_photography